McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1978, p. 6 (2024)

\ / FACIE 6 - PLAINDEALER » KIDAY, DECEMBER 15.1978 4-r First Place Routine Fans at Friday night's Mcllenry-Crown basketball game were treated to award winning halftime entertainment. The Warrior PomPon squad entertained the crowd with their comical routine to Steve Martin's hit song "King Tilt". The squad, dressed as Egyptians, used the routine to capture a first place award in the PomPon regional competition in Germantown. Wis. recently. The squad also placed fourth in the tournament's originality section STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD FLEEING THE COOP-Friday night's basketball game comes to a halt as Warrior trainer Earl "Coop" Cooper has his hands full in pursuit of a youngster who entered the game without the referee's permission. The child was probably trying to swing the momentum away from the Crown Vikings in an effort to help the Warriors. The effort proved futile however, as the Warriors were no match for the Vikings and lost 76-49. EARL WALSH 4lb So I Hear SPORTS EDITOR FOX \ \I.I.E\ CONFERENCE Sco*kEKS Our annual Christmas letter from Char and Harold Bacon reminds that "Zeke" sticks to his old motto re sports. When you miss one. shoot again He didn't miss much Have talked to football tans who had mixed emotions about the Bears' victory over the Packers last Sunday engaging in winter sports more strenuous B \SKFTB \I 1 \a me (fi It tl> Carroll. I) « 16 10 42 Tea ni w 1 pis opp Schroeder. W • 14 11 39 Jacobs 2 0 132 121 Bradshaw.J • 12 1(1 34 Cary Grove 1 0 89 70 Hall. C.L.S. 12 4 28 Crown 1 0 76 49 Gilesman. C 12 3 27 Crystal Lake S 1 II 71 fil Mark Hudson. J * 11 5 27 1 )undee ] 0 148 153 Downs. C G 11 4 26 Crystal Lake C (» 1 <;i 71 Mike Hudson..I * 11 4 26 McHenry (1 2 110 145 Kightiinger. C G 12 1 25 Woodstock <1 2 124 141 • denotes 2 games Elite Eight For Marian Volleyball The Marian Central girl 's volleyball team advanced to the quarterfinals of the Il l inois State high school association Class A volleyball chain pionships with a win Tuesday night Tuesday's supersectional win in Somnnauk over conference T They are Bear eali/mg tha the: t the" U'Hli A< I i p r i g i e i i r : ' • > t he g ' h < J S t t inker made Th«'\ one I ' lr v the Bears clam, fht giving them i I >t tbtv don't mea'i fans, b u t ,• ' ea rn is o u t s year t h e y the Packers Its inters i e w s the Packers t t) it angry Park was f mouth and ilessmgs Thev uouldn i do that \ txmk' trom brough t .1 1< p l easu re \ sked Me U- . r l d • M 1 n l ess H B u t John 1 .<><>7.e i>as ' ..I i e. f l ing lie i> \ body eo\ ermii The \ Cannon ther writer ( annu A hen <>\ en and k t stl . »'t 1 I •! K ate at lh« \ ou t lank • -1 <i big i i top who ports e\ents a round the P'.ts m New fui unless \ou For my part. 1 get t ired of put t ing On boots and taking them off The same goes for -wirft er^Traty~amt~mlTrs Of course, wearing a hat is no problem One day last summer I drove through town without a hat A lady waved and her husband asked who she was waving to When she mentioned my name the husband said. "N<> way That fellow wasn't wearing a hat Decided today to put our Wisconsin map away (or the winter lake to look it over in lair weather to plan short launts Since snow mobiling isn't on m\ list of recreational ac tivit ie. . there won t be many trips north until next summer i l kI a thought and lost it going from one room to another Anything l ike that e\ er happen to y ou ' Think I ' l l get a small die biphnne io tarry around my neck I didn't ask tor it. but a cashier m a restaurant offered me a senior cit izen discount of in percent Asked tier i l she wanted to see my card No she said, \ou have an honest lace ' And ,i bald bead sez I "A Christmas Extravaganza!" The School soring WOrld Gymnastics of Algonquin is spon A Christmas Fx travaganza' on December 22 from 7 to K .Ml p in It is a show featuring the students and instructors of the school doing gymnastic routines tumbling, dance comedv mini tumbling, and acrogvm nast ics all w ithin a musical background m a l ight show stagt atomosphere We are also featuring a pupet show famous to the Chicago summer festivals, a comedy act which has appeared on Bozo Circus several t imes, and Santa Claus wil l be there to greet each child and to give them a small gift Parents. brothers and sisters, relatives and friends are all invited for an evening s entertainment There admission charge The World Gymnastic School is located at 1005 Huntley Algonqin road in Algonquin For more information contact the school office at 658-8784 and ask lor Dave Salois IF/: Painting Of &reen- wingea Teal Duck Stamp Winner Warriors At C.L. South Tonight K"|lar and round out ' In the < < >111 r Mike Dougherty starting five for lew W a I l I l id. k I ' The War r i o r s w i l l t r \ and e l i o i i nd t rom a doub le de fea t as l w eekend < row 11 I humped hem , ( i i i I 1 ) and ( i r an t won 65 o . 1 I t ,e i nexpe r l enced are show ing some 111er11 and one o f t hese 1 e go ing t o bus t l oose t a v i c to rs Ton igh t wou ld be a good t ime quad to s ta r t on t he v i c to ry pa th da \ t l . e v \ a r r i o r s t r ave l t o i e n | t t i e t ew Fox s p l ayed i n m id arrioi1 inipro\e e i g h t s a and i i"i( to s Tue-I l unde \ a l l ey w eek \ colorf ul close up of a pair of green winged teal ducks on the water painted by Kenneth I. Michaelsen of Ft Bragg California, has won the 1979 Kti Duck Stamp competition at the Interior Department in W ashington .DC Michaelsen s design wil l be reproduced on next year's Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp purchased by waterfowl hunters If, years of age or older. con servationists and philatelists Revenues from sales of the Duck Stamp are used to buy additional wildlife habitat under a program administered by the I S Fish and Wildlife Ser \ i ce Michaelsen. 42 is a professional wildlife artist who won tl ie 1978 79 California State duck stamp contest with his painting of hooded mergansers This was the first t ime that he had entered the Federal Duck Stamp competition The green winged teal^-because o| its small size, give the impression of great speed in fl ight, although mallards tly faster Teals' f l ight is often low and erratic with the entire f lock tw is t ing and turn ing as a unit It is a l iardv variety of duck some b i rds win ter ing as fa r nor th as open water i s found They nest as far north Alaska and migrate in all tour fly ways Since 19:14 when Duck Stamps first went on sale over $2<mi mil l ion in revenue has been collected and used for t he-acquisition of 2 2 mill ion acres of prime waterfowl habitat By purchasing the stamps, more than 2 1 mil l ion con servationists annual!) provide close to $12 mill ion in revenue The Interior Department encourages non liunters who also enjoy the w i ldlife resource through photography, bird watching, and other activit ies to contribute to the I S con servation effort by buying a stamp Next sale at 1979 year's issue will go on fx>st offices on July I. A D a y T o F l y JU. L II Seventy-f ive years an<> Dayton, Ohio's fabled Wri^h! Brothers launched man's f i rst powered aircraft Day tomans, just ly proud of their aviat ion heri tage, are invit ing al l f ly ing and Americana buffs to cele brate their ci ty 's Diamond Jubi lee Anniversary of First Fl ight Among special visi tor attract ions: the famed Air Force Museum, Aviat ion Hal l of Fame, Hawthorn Hi l l (home of the Wright Brothers), the brothers' bicycle shop, Wright M e m o r i a l a n d H u f f m a n Prair ie, si te of experiments with the world's f i rst maneu verable aircraft . For free visi tor information write: "Aviat ion," Suite 2100, 733 Third Ave., NYC 10017 It's a KAWASAKI Christmas '-J.; Seven Acres Antique Vi lUga & Museum lake a trip into yesteryear... <r \ t V. Starling from (ave the "good-t imes' ' present KV7C is easy to take along 4 2 hp 2-stroke engine J-speerf transmission Automata c lute h Head and tai l l lght In The Antique Village visit . . . • the general store • the old Union /atlhouse • the Saloon • the Black smith • the old print thop • much much more1 in The Museum see • the Midwest's largest collection of antique phonographs • the turn of the century street • the military collection • Laurel <4 Hardy movies • a whole lot more! All for one low admission price . . . Adults $2 00 • Children 6 7251.00 • Under 6 FREE NOW OPEN WEEKENDS SAT. « SUN., 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. AT RT 20 & SOUTH UNION RD , UNION. ILL 923-2214 Good Times CycleryX<£ry 14 w of ? 1 • ry- ' • ' . . I . 459 " rival Rosary high school of Aurora earned the Hurricanes the right to play Thursday morning at I l l inois state university in Normal Fight teams remain in the state tournament The Marian girls rebounded from an opening game 20-12 loss to Rosary to sweep the next two games Game two saw the Hurricanes win 20-1 f> and the momentum stayed with them as they won game three 20-13 Thursday morning, the Canes meet undefeated Tolono high school Tolono sports an unblemished 24-0 record If Marian wins Thursday night , they wil l play in the state semi final game Friday night at 7 p tn A Friday night win would place them in the championship game at 3:30 p in Saturday. A loss Friday night would place the Hurricanes in Saturday's consolation game at 2 p.m. If Marian wins Thursday, t ickets for Friday's and Saturday's games will be on sale at Marian the rest of the day Thursday and from 8 a m to noon on Friday Persons can obtain the results of Thursday's game by calling the high school Thur sdav afternoon It's all right to make up your mind if you know why it's made up. On The Sidelines By Dick Robbitt Injuries and illness have again hit Coach Marty Sobczak and his "Rassling Warriors" The popular coach and his squad have found it tough going in the early stages of this season If the "Coach" could have a good Christmas gift, I'm sure he would like a hale and hearty squad in the weeks ahead Similar problems arose last season, and we are hoping that dame fortune will look upon the wrestling squad in the very near future Tonight's game at Crystal Lake South will pit the Master against the Pupil In a game that will have a little emotion and a friendly rivalry Coach Ken Ludwig the Master will match wits with Gary Collins the Pupil Years ago Gary practice taught under Ken at Newton Illinois. Upon graduation from Eastern 111. University, Gary followed Coach Ludwig to McHenry. He started out as freshen coach, and then for the next nine years was the sophom*ore coach at the local school I^ast season Gary was assistant to John Swenson at Crystal Lake high school With the addition of a new school. Gary became head coach at Crystal Lake South. Tonight will mark the beginning of what we hope will be a spirited and friendly rivalry between two fine schools, and two fine gentlemen who also coach their respective teams One thing we are sure of tonight Regardless of the outcome of the game, there w ill be handshakes and smiles after the game between the two coaches These two men have established a fine relationship over the years, and the outcome of a basketball game will do nothing to break up that relationship S.I.H. braved the elements Saturday night artd attended the game at West Campus Left the better half at home to bake cookies. Will take no more excuses on his going on a diet No wonder he left the game in a hurry, hope the Mrs. hid the cookie jar A full slate of games in the Fox Valley tonight. Warriors at C.L South, Jacobs clashes with Crown, Oary is at Woodstock, and Central travels to Dundee One of the two Tuesday night conferences games is on tap for the 19th Warriors travel to Dundee, Jacobs is at Cary Grove, South goes to Crown, and Central hosts Woodstock GOING OUT OF BOUNDS-Warrior Jim Johnson tries to keep a ball from going out of bounds during Friday night's game against Crown. By the look on his face, it's hard to tell whether Kevin McMahon of Crown is hoping Johnson saves the ball or whether it goes out of bounds. Johnson scored four points in the Warrior loss, while McMahon helped his team to a victory with eight points. Friday night, the Warriors travel to Crystal Lake South. The Gators are coached by former Warrior sophom*ore coach Gary Collins. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Wondez Ilake 9nn AND10UN6I FEATURING CHINESE ft AMERICAN CUISINE NOW OPEN FOR tUNCH - TUESDAY THRU FRI. 11 ;30-2 Definition Go-getter: A motorist who runs out of gas on today's interstate high­ways. -Times, Richmond. ^*>1! Oft, FRIDAY NITE SPECIAL FISHERMANS WHARF s:«: ITUES SWED SPECIAL I THURSDAY ALL DAY SPECIAL ALL DAY SENIOR CITIZEN DAY FRIED CHICKEN iimft I lifts CARRV OUT ORDERS 5506 t WONDER LAKE RD WONDER LAKE ILL PHONE«15 72» 0411 OPEN FOR DINNER: TUES. TMURS. 4 to 9 FRI. 4 to 10, SAT. 1 to 10, SUN. 1 to 9 HOlHlfi l.AUASU fOH SANQUt'SS WUHMNOi . ,TQI»' THE Furniture Hospital CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERY SHOP US REPAIRING ft REGLUING Lorry & Jim S#ymour 815/459-0*53 /



McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1978, p. 6 (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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